my latest business venture:
120 different ways to say "vagina"...approximately.
I've decided to categorize these so that the list doesn't seem so jumbled. A lot of them may seem a bit obscure. Those English keep quite an extensive slang dictionary.
-words that I think are socially acceptable in a conversation with your local Roman Catholic priest:
-words/phrases that are, in some sense, endearing:
*plum (ah yes, a Shakespearian euphemism for that dirty part)
*tinkle bird
*vee dub
*yoni (Hindu, reference to latest translation of Kama Sutra)
-words/phrases that are somehow food-related:
*bearded clam
*bikini biscuit
*bun (more specifically, for a hot dog)
*butter churn
*cherry pie
*chick pea
*cookie jar
*corn crib
*crack (food for some, no?)
*crotch waffle
*dark meat
*flesh taco
*fur burger
*gumbo pot
*hair pie
*honey pot
*jelly jar
*juice box
*meat curtains (whoever thought of this one should be brutally bludgeoned with a hambone)
*milk pail
*peach basket
*pickle pocket
*pink taco
*red snapper
*sugar bowl
*tuna taco
*vagina diner
*vertical bacon sandwich
*white meat
-words/phrases that imply an act of violence:
*hatchet wound
*the one that bites
-words/phrases about money:
*coin purse
*money box
*money maker
-words/phrases to describe the vagina for the filthiest of all filthy hoes:
*cum dumpster
*cum bucket
*dog's mouth
*fetus factory
*jizz jar
*municipal cockwash (my personal favorite, so please wait patiently for a revival)
*stench trench
*third armpit
*tongue magnet
-miscellaneous: the fantastical, the puzzling, & the lame:
*bearded lady
*bunny hutch
*cha cha
*cock holester
*dead end street
*dirty barrel
*fort bushy
*fra-ta-la-lee (courtesy of Italian grandmothers)
*grand canyon
*house with pink shutters
*jade gate
*lower deck
*lumber mill
*man in a boat
*mouse trap
*panty hamster
*piss flaps
*poom poom
*puffy pocket
*servant's quarters
*slippery slide
*snake pit
*snapping turtle
*squirrel's nest (not to be confused with the 'rat's nest' on your head)
*special place
*sperm sucker
*tool box
*vertical smile
*wick burner
*wonder down under
Well, someone had to do it. It's strikes me that the three-headed monster of Sex, Death (ref. to violence), and Food has leaked even so far into slang.
Shocking? yes. Disturbing? yes. I know.
Paging Dr. Freud...Dr. Kraft-Ebbing...Dr. anyone out there?
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