
i am off to a tiny start, more concerned with such trifles...truffles...turkish delight...than actually finishing a thought. i am fascinated in this blog as an experiment. my hypothesis is that i cannot handle "sharing" with invisible people. perhaps if i pretend i have many invisible friends with no physical traits who speak in times new roman. i will try...i've got it. lists.
1. today is thanksgiving and i've spent the entire day alone. it is not sad for i've got the wizard of oz and david byrne to shake things up for me. do your crazy, shrunken-headed dance one more time, david. and i will dance too.
2. i need a cigarette. needing is a bad thing.
3. are you guys listening?
4. i've disappeared for a moment to the telephone. ross wants to go to the salvation army tomorrow and i said i'd join him. he suggests that i start all over again with driver's ed to subdue my fear of driving. i try to explain to him that my fear of high school is even greater.
5. i'm about to set down a set of rules for this blog. i feel i should kick the snow off my shoes from the start. first off. there is no depression in this blog. frankly, the downturned droopy faces of depression makes me want to spit on the ground and dance a jig all over their sad, wet raincoat tails. i'm sure this will be spoken of again, for i am a huge advocate of 'get over it'. second, there are no more rules. as my new friends it is your job to demand the talking stick in our story time circle and let me know if i trespass into the bad zone of my own rule.
6. it is good to be in command. i like writing to you.
7. seven is a good place to end a list. i know that when my lists go above ten, i am concentrating too much on a silly thing. shopping lists included. i once wrote a list that was over 500 places long. i was so tired afterward and i honestly cannot remember what the list was about. probably something having to do with things in nature that i never notice. like lichen.

off to a much better start than anticipated...i think i'll be back.


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