
soap in our mouths

today's topic in advanced intermediate italian was: curse words.

i can't keep them to myself, so here are the ones that i remember.

bastardo! no tricks. it's bastard.
merda! shit
cazzate! bull shits
ruffiani! hypocrites (this can be considered a very filthy word)
coglioni shitheads
puttane! whores
let me use this one in a sentence so that you can better understand the context.
Tutte puttane puzzino come merda. >> All whores smell like shit.

see it's easy. you too can learn how to swear in Italian.

p.s. here is a word that i think is weird.

belato a non-onamonapoetic word for the sound that a sheep makes. does anyone know if we have this in english?

oh, by the way, i discovered what the number one most annoying thing in all of accademia is...well, according to me. and maybe just at hampshire college. but when a lame ass quasi-feminist uses the argument that history has always been 'his story' and women need more attention. wah wah wah. somebody has got to tell these people that a handful of civilizations have been pretty well off in this world before the english language.

silly feminists with their infinite criticism. it's my fault for trying to study sex, gender, and the family in european history. i should have known there would be molti coglioni.


amok in the FDA

enough. this has gone entirely too far. remember in Huck Finn when the quacks come into town and pull their zainy stunts and walk away with a million dollars? well, maybe back then getting 50 was a steal. and maybe it was really Tom Sawyer. but all of this is besides the point. there are quacks out there. jillions of them. and most of them pull in a 5 figure salary every year from our government for creating such earth shattering disasters as this mess:


that up there does look like a mess.

i think your brain was not completely developed until you were about 13 years old. that's definitely an overestimation but when dealing with such diesel shit as prozac and effexor, an overestimation is the only way to protect people. so they have you popping prozac everyday since you were nine years old and tomorrow's your twelfth birthday. instead of blowing out the candles when the cake is all fired up in front of you, suddenly to everyone's surprise you want to kill yourself instead. shocker.

sometimes i get all worked up about nothing severed neural pathways severe brain trauma. i can't help it. especially when the terminology has shifted to include the phrase "dummy pill" and the FDAs chief of neurological drugs shrugs off a handful of ruined lives with "Now, we can only say use them with caution."

i wonder if they have a drug for a 20 year old with no history of depression who wants to kick their teeth in.