
I had the most frightful dream of my life last night.

Everything was grey tone; nearly black and white but more similar to someone taking a Crayola marker and scribbling on my eyes. My fish bowl was on a high shelf, just at face level. I peek inside to check on Circles, the love of my life. He is swimmingly fine, enjoying the twilight and the height of his bowl. I give him a tap and a kiss and begin to tell him a story. I hear an inaudible whisper. Someone is behind me and invisibly breathing down my neck. I flip around real quick, rub and squint my eyes to see no one. After a slow breath I turn around again to check on Circles...

In that brief instant, the strange voice had sabotaged his bowl in the most brutal fashion. Spilled poison, demonic possession, whatever. He blew up to the size of his bowl and still expanded; visibly choking in his rapid growth and running out of water to breath in. His eyes bulged, his scales began to snap, his gills were womping against the sides of the bowl and trying to suck air out of the glass. He turned a grotesque shade of brown with green circles around his eyes. In this magnified state I could see an expression on his face of absolute fear as if a speeding train with a mad conductor was about two inches from his face and he was backed up against a brick wall. More afraid than I have ever seen a human.

Then it ended.



the far tip of long island.

my pop pop was lucky to run around the sand dunes
& up the beach with the tide on his heels
before the whole chunk slid into the Atlantic.

& i can't think of one place that i have been to
that doesn't exist anymore.



I once had a 500 pounder no more than six feet behind me at half past midnight and felt almost as safe as I did at a mafia family reunion.
I was reading an actual newspaper today.

The front page newspaper headline: BEAR ATTACKS CHILD: 2-year-old Sparta Boy Unhurt Outside Home.

The picture: The wily toddler looks slightly confused on his mother's lap but more as if the flash of the camera caught him off guard. Something that resembles jelly is splattered across his top lip and cheeks. Pity splatters. More dangerous than any black bear is an unfit mother who can't wipe her son's face with a towelette before the camera crew shows up.

The story: Mark, the boy, had been sitting on his front steps. Along came a black bear to wisk him off into the wilderness by carrying the boy with his jagged sharp teeth by the flap of skin on the back of the neck. Wait, I lie. That sounds more like Grimm's fairytales. Has anyone ever read the story where the brothers are all playing "butcher" and everyone dies? That has absolutely nothing to do with this but it is a beauty. The truth is that the bear swatted at him (heresay) causing an abrasion and a bump on the forehead. He was "thoroughly frightened." They mean the boy but probably the bear too.

The questions: What in all hell was this boy doing watching a bear swagger up to him like that? One of the first things we learned as kids living in northern New Jersey was bear safety: simple, if you see one coming and you've got time, don't stick around to get pummeled.

So when the mother saw the bear playing noggin volleyball with her son, she scooped him up and brought him inside.
As the story goes, she left her son in front of the television to use the "restroom" (apparently they live in a Denny's). The boy escaped and what must have been seconds later, she heard him hysterically crying on the front steps. The following drama demands quoting:

'Panic, however, had taken over, and she ran inside. She attempted to
simultaneously comfort her son, speak to the police, and frighten the
bear away -- "Get the f---- away from my son!"'

Excuse the poor grammar, punctuation, and diction. This newspaper is at a fourth grade reading level. But in drama, it runs high. This harrowing tale resulted in the classification of the bear as Category 1 (which means that he is at a high danger of terrorist attack) and his death by firing squad. One bear down, a skillion to go.

A few years back, New Jersey tried to instill the bear hunt which would make it legal for hunters to shoot and kill bears for sport. They are still trying; making up rules like "one bear per person" (making it the worst buffet I have ever attended). This is a stupid sport. Unlike deer and partridge and even duck, bear are not used for their meat by a suburban hunter. The beast can weigh up to 800 pounds and why would a hunter aim for the little rascals when a more daring rifle would go for the momma bear? So they shoot the large ones and leave them in the middle of the woods to hemorrhage. They are too collosal to carry home and their meat isn't even worth the transport. I know of one place in this entire county that serves bear. If anyone is interested, the Thirsty Moose on Rt. 15 in Jefferson will serve you anything from bear to alligator to unidentified roadkill. The point is that bear fur is not used for anything, bear hide is not used for anything, bear meat is not fried up for dinner. Killing a bear is absolutely useless.

There is no such thing as overpopulation. Plenty of room exists for the bears to romp and play but now most of the soil has been magically transformed into concrete foundation. What I mean is that the most popular spot to build a set of condos in this town is on the side of a mountain: pretty view, close to a water source, even far from the highways. Most condos are built right on top of the bears' caves.

You can't just pop a cap into a woodland creature for wandering onto your lawn to pick at your garbage. That animal has every right to swat your face clean for stealing its home.

That was yesterday's newspaper. Today's front page headline states: RU-ben! RU-ben!: Soul Singer named 'American Idol'.
But if you look to the left there is an itty bitty skinny column, the headline in size 14 font: Problem 'Bearly' Solved: New garbage containers donated to Sparta family.
The director of the Bear Education and Resource Group donated a bearproof garbage can to the family that "obviously [had] a garbage problem." Fucken jag-offs. If a bear can smell your dinner turning to slop in a hefty bag, there is no doubt that the bear will feel quite comfortable tearing it apart quicker than a ball gown on prom night.

There is rule number two of bear safety for you. Duh.

Two points to the bear killers this time. But one question: what do you do with your 250 pound carcass?


just for kicks & comments & utter drunkenness at 7 pm:

my own words.

Evensong for Nina Simone

She's giving up prayer &
praying to god; hums to the duet
of swamp ghost & moonlight.
Under the welkin,
she whistles Mister,
I've got more
to sell than these
white teeth & hips.
She's got love songs & propositions
to harvest. The quick of her step
tills the footpath.
With only the silver dust
of her voice
& a clumsy stilleto heel,
she's gonna get from North
Carolina to anywhere
in as many wings as it takes.
Some say the rhythm in her shiver
has been buried by
a few centuries, in the notches
that mark time in a ship's plank.
But it looms in the ivory
that accompanies her.
In the clouds above the South,
she stirs up a rainstorm.
Every rumble echoes of an anthem.
We're all made
of bone and bellow, but
few can feel them at once.

I believe that this summer I will find Fiji on a globe & lick it. I believe that I will find a copy of the "Dreckopathika" and translate the German myself. I believe that I will collect enough nightcrawlers in a jar to make it daylight all the time. I believe that I will ride a bike for a kajillion miles and never run out of breath. I believe that I will believe in parrallel timelines as the reasoning behind unsolved crimes. I believe that I will be more serious about this website (& add pictures).
I will learn to love polysyndeton.
Those who are not leaving comments, please continue to do so. One day I will make it worth it to you.
Thank you.


i think i need something new/like shoes/to wear around and pretend/that things are different with these new shoes/to stomp on worms with/or maybe i need to learn/the names of the ants in the kitchen/it would be nice to have new things/to say good morning to.